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argos::CRotationMatrix3 Member List

This is the complete list of members for argos::CRotationMatrix3, including all inherited members.

CMatrix()argos::CMatrix< DIM, DIM >inline
CMatrix(const Real *pf_values)argos::CMatrix< DIM, DIM >inline
CMatrix(const CMatrix< ROWS, COLS > &c_matrix)argos::CMatrix< DIM, DIM >inline
CRotationMatrix3(const CMatrix< 3, 3 > &c_matrix)argos::CRotationMatrix3inline
CRotationMatrix3(const CRadians &c_z_angle, const CRadians &c_y_angle, const CRadians &c_x_angle)argos::CRotationMatrix3inline
CRotationMatrix3(Real f_value0, Real f_value1, Real f_value2, Real f_value3, Real f_value4, Real f_value5, Real f_value6, Real f_value7, Real f_value8)argos::CRotationMatrix3inline
CSquareMatrix()argos::CSquareMatrix< 3 >inline
CSquareMatrix(const CMatrix< DIM, DIM > &c_other)argos::CSquareMatrix< 3 >inline
GetCofactorMatrix() constargos::CSquareMatrix< 3 >inline
GetCofactorMatrix() constargos::CSquareMatrix< 3 >
GetCofactorMatrix() constargos::CSquareMatrix< 3 >
GetDeterminant() constargos::CSquareMatrix< 3 >inline
GetDeterminant() constargos::CSquareMatrix< 3 >
GetDeterminant() constargos::CSquareMatrix< 3 >
GetDeterminant() constargos::CSquareMatrix< 3 >
GetDeterminant() constargos::CSquareMatrix< 3 >
GetInverse() constargos::CSquareMatrix< 3 >inline
GetSubMatrix(CMatrix< SMROWS, SMCOLS > &c_sub_matrix, UInt32 un_offset_row, UInt32 un_offset_col) constargos::CMatrix< DIM, DIM >inline
GetTransposed() constargos::CSquareMatrix< 3 >inline
IsIdentityMatrix()argos::CSquareMatrix< 3 >inline
m_pfValuesargos::CMatrix< DIM, DIM >protected
operator CQuaternion() constargos::CRotationMatrix3
operator()(UInt32 un_row, UInt32 un_col)argos::CMatrix< DIM, DIM >inline
operator()(UInt32 un_row, UInt32 un_col) constargos::CMatrix< DIM, DIM >inline
operator()(UInt32 un_idx) constargos::CMatrix< DIM, DIM >inline
operator()(UInt32 un_idx)argos::CMatrix< DIM, DIM >inline
operator*(const CVector3 &c_vector) constargos::CRotationMatrix3
CSquareMatrix< 3 >::operator*(const CMatrix< COLS, OTRCOLS > &c_matrix) constargos::CMatrix< DIM, DIM >inline
operator*=(Real f_scale)argos::CMatrix< DIM, DIM >inline
operator*=(const CMatrix< COLS, COLS > &c_matrix)argos::CMatrix< DIM, DIM >inline
operator+(const CMatrix< ROWS, COLS > &c_matrix) constargos::CMatrix< DIM, DIM >inline
operator+=(const CMatrix< ROWS, COLS > &c_matrix)argos::CMatrix< DIM, DIM >inline
operator-(const CMatrix< ROWS, COLS > &c_matrix) constargos::CMatrix< DIM, DIM >inline
operator-() constargos::CMatrix< DIM, DIM >inline
operator-=(const CMatrix< ROWS, COLS > &c_matrix)argos::CMatrix< DIM, DIM >inline
operator=(const CMatrix< ROWS, COLS > &c_matrix)argos::CMatrix< DIM, DIM >inline
operator==(const CMatrix< ROWS, COLS > &c_matrix) constargos::CMatrix< DIM, DIM >inline
Set(const Real *f_values)argos::CMatrix< DIM, DIM >inline
SetFromAngles(const CRadians &c_x_angle, const CRadians &c_y_angle, const CRadians &c_z_angle)argos::CRotationMatrix3
SetFromMatrix(const CMatrix< 3, 3 > &c_matrix)argos::CRotationMatrix3
SetFromValues(Real f_value0, Real f_value1, Real f_value2, Real f_value3, Real f_value4, Real f_value5, Real f_value6, Real f_value7, Real f_value8)argos::CRotationMatrix3
SetIdentityMatrix()argos::CSquareMatrix< 3 >inline
SetZero()argos::CMatrix< DIM, DIM >inline