argos::CRange< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for argos::CRange< T >, including all inherited members.

CRange(const T &t_min=T(), const T &t_max=T())argos::CRange< T >inline
GetMax() constargos::CRange< T >inline
GetMin() constargos::CRange< T >inline
GetSpan() constargos::CRange< T >inline
MapValueIntoRange(U &t_output_value, const T &t_input_value, const CRange< U > &c_range) constargos::CRange< T >inline
NormalizeValue(const T &t_value) constargos::CRange< T >inline
operator<<(std::ostream &os, const CRange &c_range)argos::CRange< T >friend
operator>>(std::istream &is, CRange &c_range)argos::CRange< T >friend
Set(const T &t_min, const T &t_max)argos::CRange< T >inline
SetMax(const T &t_max)argos::CRange< T >inline
SetMin(const T &t_min)argos::CRange< T >inline
TruncValue(T &t_value) constargos::CRange< T >inline
WithinMinBoundExcludedMaxBoundExcluded(const T &t_value) constargos::CRange< T >inline
WithinMinBoundExcludedMaxBoundIncluded(const T &t_value) constargos::CRange< T >inline
WithinMinBoundIncludedMaxBoundExcluded(const T &t_value) constargos::CRange< T >inline
WithinMinBoundIncludedMaxBoundIncluded(const T &t_value) constargos::CRange< T >inline
WrapValue(T &t_value) constargos::CRange< T >inline