Go to the documentation of this file.
7 #include <cstdlib>
8 #include "physics_engine.h"
9 #include <argos3/core/utility/logging/argos_log.h>
10 #include <argos3/core/utility/math/vector3.h>
11 #include <argos3/core/utility/string_utilities.h>
12 #include <argos3/core/simulator/simulator.h>
13 #include <argos3/core/simulator/space/space.h>
14 #include <argos3/core/simulator/entity/entity.h>
16 namespace argos {
18  /****************************************/
19  /****************************************/
22  const CRay3& c_ray) {
23  /* This variable is instantiated at the first call of this function, once and forever */
24  static CSimulator& cSimulator = CSimulator::GetInstance();
25  /* Clear data */
26  t_data.clear();
27  /* Create a reference to the vector of physics engines */
28  CPhysicsEngine::TVector& vecEngines = cSimulator.GetPhysicsEngines();
29  /* Ask each engine to perform the ray query */
30  for(size_t i = 0; i < vecEngines.size(); ++i)
31  vecEngines[i]->CheckIntersectionWithRay(t_data, c_ray);
32  /* Remove duplicates */
33  // TODO
34  /* Return true if an intersection was found */
35  return !t_data.empty();
36  }
38  /****************************************/
39  /****************************************/
42  const CRay3& c_ray) {
43  /* Initialize s_item */
44  s_item.IntersectedEntity = nullptr;
45  s_item.TOnRay = 1.0f;
46  /* Perform full ray query */
49  /* Go through intersections and find the closest */
50  for(size_t i = 0; i < tData.size(); ++i) {
51  if(s_item.TOnRay > tData[i].TOnRay)
52  s_item = tData[i];
53  }
54  /* Return true if an intersection was found */
55  return (s_item.IntersectedEntity != nullptr);
56  }
58  /****************************************/
59  /****************************************/
62  const CRay3& c_ray,
63  CEmbodiedEntity& c_entity) {
64  /* Initialize s_item */
65  s_item.IntersectedEntity = nullptr;
66  s_item.TOnRay = 1.0f;
67  /* Perform full ray query */
70  /* Go through intersections and find the closest */
71  for(size_t i = 0; i < tData.size(); ++i) {
72  if(s_item.TOnRay > tData[i].TOnRay &&
73  &c_entity != tData[i].IntersectedEntity) {
74  s_item = tData[i];
75  }
76  }
77  /* Return true if an intersection was found */
78  return (s_item.IntersectedEntity != nullptr);
79  }
81  /****************************************/
82  /****************************************/
84  /* The default value of the simulation clock tick */
85  Real CPhysicsEngine::m_fSimulationClockTick = 0.1f;
86  Real CPhysicsEngine::m_fInverseSimulationClockTick = 1.0f / CPhysicsEngine::m_fSimulationClockTick;
88  /****************************************/
89  /****************************************/
92  TopFace(nullptr),
93  BottomFace(nullptr) {
94  }
96  /****************************************/
97  /****************************************/
100  try {
101  /* Parse top face, if specified */
102  if(NodeExists(t_node, "top")) {
103  TConfigurationNode& tNode = GetNode(t_node, "top");
104  TopFace = new SHorizontalFace;
105  GetNodeAttribute(tNode, "height", TopFace->Height);
106  }
107  /* Parse bottom face, if specified */
108  if(NodeExists(t_node, "bottom")) {
109  TConfigurationNode& tNode = GetNode(t_node, "bottom");
110  BottomFace = new SHorizontalFace;
111  GetNodeAttribute(tNode, "height", BottomFace->Height);
112  }
113  /* Parse side faces, if specified */
114  if(NodeExists(t_node, "sides")) {
115  CVector2 cFirstPoint, cLastPoint, cCurPoint;
116  std::string strConnectWith;
117  TConfigurationNode& tNode = GetNode(t_node, "sides");
118  TConfigurationNodeIterator tVertexIt("vertex");
119  /* Get the first vertex */
120  tVertexIt = tVertexIt.begin(&tNode);
121  if(tVertexIt == tVertexIt.end()) {
122  THROW_ARGOSEXCEPTION("No <vertex> specified within <sides> section");
123  }
124  GetNodeAttribute(*tVertexIt, "point", cFirstPoint);
125  cLastPoint = cFirstPoint;
126  /* Go through the other vertices */
127  ++tVertexIt;
128  while(tVertexIt != tVertexIt.end()) {
129  /* Read vertex data and fill in segment struct */
130  GetNodeAttribute(*tVertexIt, "point", cCurPoint);
131  auto* psFace = new SVerticalFace;
132  psFace->BaseSegment.SetStart(cLastPoint);
133  psFace->BaseSegment.SetEnd(cCurPoint);
134  SideFaces.push_back(psFace);
135  /* Next vertex */
136  cLastPoint = cCurPoint;
137  ++tVertexIt;
138  }
139  /* Make sure that the boundary is a closed path */
140  if(SideFaces.size() < 3) {
141  THROW_ARGOSEXCEPTION("The <sides> path is not closed; at least 3 segments must be specified");
142  }
143  if(cLastPoint != cFirstPoint) {
144  auto* psFace = new SVerticalFace;
145  psFace->BaseSegment.SetStart(cLastPoint);
146  psFace->BaseSegment.SetEnd(cFirstPoint);
147  SideFaces.push_back(psFace);
148  }
149  }
150  }
151  catch(CARGoSException& ex) {
152  THROW_ARGOSEXCEPTION_NESTED("Error parsing physics engine <boundaries> information", ex);
153  }
154  }
156  /****************************************/
157  /****************************************/
160  if(TopFace) delete TopFace;
161  if(BottomFace) delete BottomFace;
162  while(!SideFaces.empty()) {
163  delete SideFaces.back();
164  SideFaces.pop_back();
165  }
166  }
168  /****************************************/
169  /****************************************/
172  return TopFace || BottomFace || (!SideFaces.empty());
173  }
175  /****************************************/
176  /****************************************/
179  m_unIterations(10),
180  m_fPhysicsClockTick(m_fSimulationClockTick) {}
182  /****************************************/
183  /****************************************/
186  try {
187  /* Get id from the XML */
188  GetNodeAttribute(t_tree, "id", m_strId);
189  /* Get iterations per time step */
190  GetNodeAttributeOrDefault(t_tree, "iterations", m_unIterations, m_unIterations);
191  m_fPhysicsClockTick = GetSimulationClockTick() / static_cast<Real>(m_unIterations);
192  LOG << "[INFO] The physics engine \""
193  << GetId()
194  << "\" will perform "
195  << m_unIterations
196  << " iterations per tick (dt = "
197  << GetPhysicsClockTick() << " sec)"
198  << std::endl;
199  /* Parse the boundary definition, if necessary */
200  if(NodeExists(t_tree, "boundaries")) {
201  m_sVolume.Init(GetNode(t_tree, "boundaries"));
202  }
203  }
204  catch(CARGoSException& ex) {
205  THROW_ARGOSEXCEPTION_NESTED("Error initializing a physics engine", ex);
206  }
207  }
209  /****************************************/
210  /****************************************/
213  if(! IsEntityTransferActive()) {
214  /*
215  * The engine has no boundaries, so the wanted point is in for sure
216  */
217  return true;
218  }
219  else {
220  /*
221  * Check the boundaries
222  */
223  /* Check top/bottom boundaries */
224  if((m_sVolume.TopFace && c_point.GetZ() > m_sVolume.TopFace->Height) ||
225  (m_sVolume.BottomFace && c_point.GetZ() < m_sVolume.BottomFace->Height)) {
226  return false;
227  }
228  /* Check side boundaries */
229  for(size_t i = 0; i < GetVolume().SideFaces.size(); ++i) {
230  const CVector2& cP0 = GetVolume().SideFaces[i]->BaseSegment.GetStart();
231  const CVector2& cP1 = GetVolume().SideFaces[i]->BaseSegment.GetEnd();
232  Real fCriterion =
233  (c_point.GetY() - cP0.GetY()) * (cP1.GetX() - cP0.GetX()) -
234  (c_point.GetX() - cP0.GetX()) * (cP1.GetY() - cP0.GetY());
235  if(fCriterion < 0.0f) {
236  return false;
237  }
238  }
239  return true;
240  }
241  }
243  /****************************************/
244  /****************************************/
247  m_vecTransferData.push_back(&c_entity);
248  }
250  /****************************************/
251  /****************************************/
254  for(size_t i = 0; i < m_vecTransferData.size(); ++i) {
255  RemoveEntity(m_vecTransferData[i]->GetRootEntity());
256  CSimulator::GetInstance().GetSpace().AddEntityToPhysicsEngine(*m_vecTransferData[i]);
257  }
258  m_vecTransferData.clear();
259  }
261  /****************************************/
262  /****************************************/
265  return m_fSimulationClockTick;
266  }
268  /****************************************/
269  /****************************************/
272  return m_fInverseSimulationClockTick;
273  }
275  /****************************************/
276  /****************************************/
278  void CPhysicsEngine::SetSimulationClockTick(Real f_simulation_clock_tick) {
279  LOG << "[INFO] Using simulation clock tick = " << f_simulation_clock_tick << std::endl;
280  m_fSimulationClockTick = f_simulation_clock_tick;
281  m_fInverseSimulationClockTick = 1.0f / f_simulation_clock_tick;
282  }
284  /****************************************/
285  /****************************************/
287 }
#define THROW_ARGOSEXCEPTION_NESTED(message, nested)
This macro throws an ARGoS exception with the passed message and nesting the passed exception.
This macro throws an ARGoS exception with the passed message.
float Real
Collects all ARGoS code.
Definition: datatypes.h:39
The namespace containing all the ARGoS related code.
Definition: ci_actuator.h:12
ticpp::Iterator< ticpp::Element > TConfigurationNodeIterator
The iterator for the ARGoS configuration XML node.
TConfigurationNode & GetNode(TConfigurationNode &t_node, const std::string &str_tag)
Given a tree root node, returns the first of its child nodes with the wanted name.
bool GetClosestEmbodiedEntityIntersectedByRay(SEmbodiedEntityIntersectionItem &s_item, const CRay3 &c_ray)
Returns the closest intersection with an embodied entity to the ray start.
void GetNodeAttributeOrDefault(TConfigurationNode &t_node, const std::string &str_attribute, T &t_buffer, const T &t_default)
Returns the value of a node's attribute, or the passed default value.
ticpp::Element TConfigurationNode
The ARGoS configuration XML node.
Definition: argos_log.h:179
bool NodeExists(TConfigurationNode &t_node, const std::string &str_tag)
Given a tree root node, returns true if one of its child nodes has the wanted name.
bool GetEmbodiedEntitiesIntersectedByRay(TEmbodiedEntityIntersectionData &t_data, const CRay3 &c_ray)
Checks whether the given ray intersects any entity.
std::vector< SEmbodiedEntityIntersectionItem > TEmbodiedEntityIntersectionData
void GetNodeAttribute(TConfigurationNode &t_node, const std::string &str_attribute, T &t_buffer)
Returns the value of a node's attribute.
This entity is a link to a body in the physics engine.
static Real GetSimulationClockTick()
Returns the simulation clock tick.
virtual bool IsPointContained(const CVector3 &c_point)
Returns true if the given point is contained in this physics engine.
SVolume & GetVolume()
Returns the boundary faces for the volume associated to this engine.
virtual void ScheduleEntityForTransfer(CEmbodiedEntity &c_entity)
Schedules an entity of transfer.
std::vector< CPhysicsEngine * > TVector
static Real GetInverseSimulationClockTick()
Returns the inverse of GetSimulationClockTick().
const std::string & GetId() const
Returns the id of this physics engine.
virtual void Init(TConfigurationNode &t_tree)
Initializes the resource.
Real GetPhysicsClockTick() const
Returns the length of the physics engine tick.
static void SetSimulationClockTick(Real f_simulation_clock_tick)
Sets the simulation clock tick.
virtual void TransferEntities()
Executes the transfer of entities to other engines.
bool IsEntityTransferActive() const
Returns true if entity transfer is active for this engine.
virtual bool RemoveEntity(CEntity &c_entity)=0
Removes an entity from the physics engine.
A boundary face for top/bottom parts of the volume.
A boundary face for side parts of the volume.
std::vector< SVerticalFace * > SideFaces
void Init(TConfigurationNode &t_node)
The core class of ARGOS.
Definition: simulator.h:62
CSpace & GetSpace() const
Returns a reference to the simulated space.
Definition: simulator.h:104
static CSimulator & GetInstance()
Returns the instance to the CSimulator class.
Definition: simulator.cpp:78
CPhysicsEngine::TVector & GetPhysicsEngines()
Returns the list of currently existing physics engines.
Definition: simulator.h:119
virtual void AddEntityToPhysicsEngine(CEmbodiedEntity &c_entity)
Definition: space.cpp:186
The exception that wraps all errors in ARGoS.
void SetStart(const CVector2 &c_start)
Definition: ray2.h:44
A 2D vector class.
Definition: vector2.h:27
Real GetY() const
Returns the y coordinate of this vector.
Definition: vector2.h:110
Real GetX() const
Returns the x coordinate of this vector.
Definition: vector2.h:94
A 3D vector class.
Definition: vector3.h:31
Real GetX() const
Returns the x coordinate of this vector.
Definition: vector3.h:105
Real GetY() const
Returns the y coordinate of this vector.
Definition: vector3.h:121
Real GetZ() const
Returns the z coordinate of this vector.
Definition: vector3.h:137