Warning: include(php/utility.php): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/argos/argos3/doc/api/embedded/a00580_source.php on line 2

Warning: include(): Failed opening 'php/utility.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib64/php') in /home/argos/argos3/doc/api/embedded/a00580_source.php on line 2
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7 #include "footbot_entity.h"
9 #include <argos3/core/utility/math/matrix/rotationmatrix3.h>
10 #include <argos3/core/simulator/space/space.h>
11 #include <argos3/core/simulator/entity/controllable_entity.h>
12 #include <argos3/core/simulator/entity/embodied_entity.h>
13 #include <argos3/plugins/simulator/entities/battery_equipped_entity.h>
14 #include <argos3/plugins/simulator/entities/rab_equipped_entity.h>
15 #include <argos3/plugins/simulator/entities/gripper_equipped_entity.h>
16 #include <argos3/plugins/simulator/entities/ground_sensor_equipped_entity.h>
17 #include <argos3/plugins/simulator/entities/led_equipped_entity.h>
18 #include <argos3/plugins/simulator/entities/light_sensor_equipped_entity.h>
19 #include <argos3/plugins/simulator/entities/omnidirectional_camera_equipped_entity.h>
20 #include <argos3/plugins/simulator/entities/perspective_camera_equipped_entity.h>
21 #include <argos3/plugins/simulator/entities/proximity_sensor_equipped_entity.h>
22 #include <argos3/plugins/simulator/entities/wifi_equipped_entity.h>
24 #include "footbot_turret_entity.h"
26 namespace argos {
28  /****************************************/
29  /****************************************/
31  static const Real BODY_RADIUS = 0.085036758f;
32  static const Real BODY_HEIGHT = 0.146899733f;
34  static const Real LED_RING_RADIUS = BODY_RADIUS + 0.005;
36  static const Real INTERWHEEL_DISTANCE = 0.14f;
38  static const Real WHEEL_RADIUS = 0.029112741f;
40  static const Real PROXIMITY_SENSOR_RING_ELEVATION = 0.06f;
42  static const CRadians PROXIMITY_SENSOR_RING_START_ANGLE = CRadians((ARGOS_PI / 12.0f) * 0.5f);
43  static const Real PROXIMITY_SENSOR_RING_RANGE = 0.1f;
45  static const Real LED_RING_ELEVATION = 0.085f;
46  static const Real RAB_ELEVATION = 0.1f;
47  static const Real BEACON_ELEVATION = 0.174249733f;
51  static const CRadians LED_ANGLE_SLICE = CRadians(ARGOS_PI / 6.0);
52  static const CRadians HALF_LED_ANGLE_SLICE = LED_ANGLE_SLICE * 0.5f;
54  static const Real OMNIDIRECTIONAL_CAMERA_ELEVATION = 0.288699733f;
56  /****************************************/
57  /****************************************/
60  CComposableEntity(NULL),
61  m_pcControllableEntity(NULL),
62  m_pcDistanceScannerEquippedEntity(NULL),
63  m_pcTurretEntity(NULL),
64  m_pcEmbodiedEntity(NULL),
65  m_pcGripperEquippedEntity(NULL),
66  m_pcGroundSensorEquippedEntity(NULL),
67  m_pcLEDEquippedEntity(NULL),
68  m_pcLightSensorEquippedEntity(NULL),
69  m_pcOmnidirectionalCameraEquippedEntity(NULL),
70  m_pcPerspectiveCameraEquippedEntity(NULL),
71  m_pcProximitySensorEquippedEntity(NULL),
72  m_pcRABEquippedEntity(NULL),
73  m_pcWheeledEntity(NULL),
74  m_pcWiFiEquippedEntity(NULL),
75  m_pcBatteryEquippedEntity(NULL) {
76  }
78  /****************************************/
79  /****************************************/
81  CFootBotEntity::CFootBotEntity(const std::string& str_id,
82  const std::string& str_controller_id,
83  const CVector3& c_position,
84  const CQuaternion& c_orientation,
85  Real f_rab_range,
86  size_t un_rab_data_size,
87  const std::string& str_bat_model,
88  const CRadians& c_omnicam_aperture,
89  bool b_perspcam_front,
90  const CRadians& c_perspcam_aperture,
91  Real f_perspcam_focal_length,
92  Real f_perspcam_range) :
93  CComposableEntity(NULL, str_id),
94  m_pcControllableEntity(NULL),
95  m_pcDistanceScannerEquippedEntity(NULL),
96  m_pcTurretEntity(NULL),
97  m_pcEmbodiedEntity(NULL),
98  m_pcGripperEquippedEntity(NULL),
99  m_pcGroundSensorEquippedEntity(NULL),
100  m_pcLEDEquippedEntity(NULL),
101  m_pcLightSensorEquippedEntity(NULL),
102  m_pcOmnidirectionalCameraEquippedEntity(NULL),
103  m_pcPerspectiveCameraEquippedEntity(NULL),
104  m_pcProximitySensorEquippedEntity(NULL),
105  m_pcRABEquippedEntity(NULL),
106  m_pcWheeledEntity(NULL),
107  m_pcWiFiEquippedEntity(NULL),
108  m_pcBatteryEquippedEntity(NULL) {
109  try {
110  /*
111  * Create and init components
112  */
113  /*
114  * Embodied entity
115  * Better to put this first, because many other entities need this one
116  */
117  m_pcEmbodiedEntity = new CEmbodiedEntity(this, "body_0", c_position, c_orientation);
118  AddComponent(*m_pcEmbodiedEntity);
119  SAnchor& cTurretAnchor = m_pcEmbodiedEntity->AddAnchor("turret");
120  CQuaternion cPerspCamOrient(b_perspcam_front ? CRadians::ZERO : -CRadians::PI_OVER_TWO,
121  CVector3::Y);
122  SAnchor& cPerspCamAnchor = m_pcEmbodiedEntity->AddAnchor("perspective_camera",
124  cPerspCamOrient);
125  /* Wheeled entity and wheel positions (left, right) */
126  m_pcWheeledEntity = new CWheeledEntity(this, "wheels_0", 2);
127  AddComponent(*m_pcWheeledEntity);
128  m_pcWheeledEntity->SetWheel(0, CVector3(0.0f, HALF_INTERWHEEL_DISTANCE, 0.0f), WHEEL_RADIUS);
129  m_pcWheeledEntity->SetWheel(1, CVector3(0.0f, -HALF_INTERWHEEL_DISTANCE, 0.0f), WHEEL_RADIUS);
130  /* LED equipped entity, with LEDs [0-11] and beacon [12] */
131  m_pcLEDEquippedEntity = new CLEDEquippedEntity(this, "leds_0");
132  AddComponent(*m_pcLEDEquippedEntity);
133  m_pcLEDEquippedEntity->AddLEDRing(
134  CVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, LED_RING_ELEVATION),
137  12,
138  cTurretAnchor);
139  m_pcLEDEquippedEntity->AddLED(
140  CVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, BEACON_ELEVATION),
141  cTurretAnchor);
142  /* Proximity sensor equipped entity */
143  m_pcProximitySensorEquippedEntity =
144  new CProximitySensorEquippedEntity(this, "proximity_0");
145  AddComponent(*m_pcProximitySensorEquippedEntity);
146  m_pcProximitySensorEquippedEntity->AddSensorRing(
151  24,
152  m_pcEmbodiedEntity->GetOriginAnchor());
153  /* Light sensor equipped entity */
154  m_pcLightSensorEquippedEntity =
155  new CLightSensorEquippedEntity(this, "light_0");
156  AddComponent(*m_pcLightSensorEquippedEntity);
157  m_pcLightSensorEquippedEntity->AddSensorRing(
162  24,
163  m_pcEmbodiedEntity->GetOriginAnchor());
164  /* Gripper equipped entity */
165  m_pcGripperEquippedEntity =
166  new CGripperEquippedEntity(this,
167  "gripper_0",
169  CVector3::X);
170  AddComponent(*m_pcGripperEquippedEntity);
171  /* Ground sensor equipped entity */
172  m_pcGroundSensorEquippedEntity =
173  new CGroundSensorEquippedEntity(this, "ground_0");
174  AddComponent(*m_pcGroundSensorEquippedEntity);
175  m_pcGroundSensorEquippedEntity->AddSensor(CVector2(0.063, 0.0116),
177  m_pcEmbodiedEntity->GetOriginAnchor());
178  m_pcGroundSensorEquippedEntity->AddSensor(CVector2(-0.063, 0.0116),
180  m_pcEmbodiedEntity->GetOriginAnchor());
181  m_pcGroundSensorEquippedEntity->AddSensor(CVector2(-0.063, -0.0116),
183  m_pcEmbodiedEntity->GetOriginAnchor());
184  m_pcGroundSensorEquippedEntity->AddSensor(CVector2(0.063, -0.0116),
186  m_pcEmbodiedEntity->GetOriginAnchor());
187  m_pcGroundSensorEquippedEntity->AddSensor(CVector2(0.08, 0.0),
189  m_pcEmbodiedEntity->GetOriginAnchor());
190  m_pcGroundSensorEquippedEntity->AddSensor(CVector2(0.042, 0.065),
192  m_pcEmbodiedEntity->GetOriginAnchor());
193  m_pcGroundSensorEquippedEntity->AddSensor(CVector2(0.0, 0.08),
195  m_pcEmbodiedEntity->GetOriginAnchor());
196  m_pcGroundSensorEquippedEntity->AddSensor(CVector2(-0.042, 0.065),
198  m_pcEmbodiedEntity->GetOriginAnchor());
199  m_pcGroundSensorEquippedEntity->AddSensor(CVector2(-0.08, 0.0),
201  m_pcEmbodiedEntity->GetOriginAnchor());
202  m_pcGroundSensorEquippedEntity->AddSensor(CVector2(-0.042, -0.065),
204  m_pcEmbodiedEntity->GetOriginAnchor());
205  m_pcGroundSensorEquippedEntity->AddSensor(CVector2(0.0, -0.08),
207  m_pcEmbodiedEntity->GetOriginAnchor());
208  m_pcGroundSensorEquippedEntity->AddSensor(CVector2(0.042, -0.065),
210  m_pcEmbodiedEntity->GetOriginAnchor());
211  /* Distance scanner */
212  m_pcDistanceScannerEquippedEntity =
213  new CFootBotDistanceScannerEquippedEntity(this, "distance_scanner_0");
214  AddComponent(*m_pcDistanceScannerEquippedEntity);
215  /* RAB equipped entity */
216  m_pcRABEquippedEntity =
217  new CRABEquippedEntity(this,
218  "rab_0",
219  un_rab_data_size,
220  f_rab_range,
221  m_pcEmbodiedEntity->GetOriginAnchor(),
222  *m_pcEmbodiedEntity,
223  CVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, RAB_ELEVATION));
224  AddComponent(*m_pcRABEquippedEntity);
225  /* Omnidirectional camera equipped entity */
226  m_pcOmnidirectionalCameraEquippedEntity =
228  "omnidirectional_camera_0",
229  c_omnicam_aperture,
230  CVector3(0.0f,
231  0.0f,
233  AddComponent(*m_pcOmnidirectionalCameraEquippedEntity);
234  /* Perspective camera equipped entity */
235  m_pcPerspectiveCameraEquippedEntity =
237  "perspective_camera_0",
238  c_perspcam_aperture,
239  f_perspcam_focal_length,
240  f_perspcam_range,
241  640, 480,
242  cPerspCamAnchor);
243  AddComponent(*m_pcPerspectiveCameraEquippedEntity);
244  /* Turret equipped entity */
245  m_pcTurretEntity = new CFootBotTurretEntity(this, "turret_0", cTurretAnchor);
246  AddComponent(*m_pcTurretEntity);
247  /* WiFi equipped entity */
248  m_pcWiFiEquippedEntity = new CWiFiEquippedEntity(this, "wifi_0");
249  AddComponent(*m_pcWiFiEquippedEntity);
250  /* Battery equipped entity */
251  m_pcBatteryEquippedEntity = new CBatteryEquippedEntity(this, "battery_0", str_bat_model);
252  AddComponent(*m_pcBatteryEquippedEntity);
253  /* Controllable entity
254  It must be the last one, for actuators/sensors to link to composing entities correctly */
255  m_pcControllableEntity = new CControllableEntity(this, "controller_0");
256  AddComponent(*m_pcControllableEntity);
257  m_pcControllableEntity->SetController(str_controller_id);
258  /* Update components */
260  }
261  catch(CARGoSException& ex) {
262  THROW_ARGOSEXCEPTION_NESTED("Failed to initialize entity \"" << GetId() << "\".", ex);
263  }
264  }
266  /****************************************/
267  /****************************************/
270  try {
271  /*
272  * Init parent
273  */
274  CComposableEntity::Init(t_tree);
275  /*
276  * Create and init components
277  */
278  /*
279  * Embodied entity
280  * Better to put this first, because many other entities need this one
281  */
282  m_pcEmbodiedEntity = new CEmbodiedEntity(this);
283  AddComponent(*m_pcEmbodiedEntity);
284  m_pcEmbodiedEntity->Init(GetNode(t_tree, "body"));
285  SAnchor& cTurretAnchor = m_pcEmbodiedEntity->AddAnchor("turret");
286  /* Wheeled entity and wheel positions (left, right) */
287  m_pcWheeledEntity = new CWheeledEntity(this, "wheels_0", 2);
288  AddComponent(*m_pcWheeledEntity);
289  m_pcWheeledEntity->SetWheel(0, CVector3(0.0f, HALF_INTERWHEEL_DISTANCE, 0.0f), WHEEL_RADIUS);
290  m_pcWheeledEntity->SetWheel(1, CVector3(0.0f, -HALF_INTERWHEEL_DISTANCE, 0.0f), WHEEL_RADIUS);
291  /* LED equipped entity, with LEDs [0-11] and beacon [12] */
292  m_pcLEDEquippedEntity = new CLEDEquippedEntity(this, "leds_0");
293  AddComponent(*m_pcLEDEquippedEntity);
294  m_pcLEDEquippedEntity->AddLEDRing(
295  CVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, LED_RING_ELEVATION),
298  12,
299  cTurretAnchor);
300  m_pcLEDEquippedEntity->AddLED(
301  CVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, BEACON_ELEVATION),
302  cTurretAnchor);
303  /* Proximity sensor equipped entity */
304  m_pcProximitySensorEquippedEntity =
305  new CProximitySensorEquippedEntity(this, "proximity_0");
306  AddComponent(*m_pcProximitySensorEquippedEntity);
307  m_pcProximitySensorEquippedEntity->AddSensorRing(
312  24,
313  m_pcEmbodiedEntity->GetOriginAnchor());
314  /* Light sensor equipped entity */
315  m_pcLightSensorEquippedEntity =
316  new CLightSensorEquippedEntity(this, "light_0");
317  AddComponent(*m_pcLightSensorEquippedEntity);
318  m_pcLightSensorEquippedEntity->AddSensorRing(
323  24,
324  m_pcEmbodiedEntity->GetOriginAnchor());
325  /* Gripper equipped entity */
326  m_pcGripperEquippedEntity =
327  new CGripperEquippedEntity(this,
328  "gripper_0",
330  CVector3::X);
331  AddComponent(*m_pcGripperEquippedEntity);
332  /* Ground sensor equipped entity */
333  m_pcGroundSensorEquippedEntity =
334  new CGroundSensorEquippedEntity(this, "ground_0");
335  AddComponent(*m_pcGroundSensorEquippedEntity);
336  m_pcGroundSensorEquippedEntity->AddSensor(CVector2(0.063, 0.0116),
338  m_pcEmbodiedEntity->GetOriginAnchor());
339  m_pcGroundSensorEquippedEntity->AddSensor(CVector2(-0.063, 0.0116),
341  m_pcEmbodiedEntity->GetOriginAnchor());
342  m_pcGroundSensorEquippedEntity->AddSensor(CVector2(-0.063, -0.0116),
344  m_pcEmbodiedEntity->GetOriginAnchor());
345  m_pcGroundSensorEquippedEntity->AddSensor(CVector2(0.063, -0.0116),
347  m_pcEmbodiedEntity->GetOriginAnchor());
348  m_pcGroundSensorEquippedEntity->AddSensor(CVector2(0.08, 0.0),
350  m_pcEmbodiedEntity->GetOriginAnchor());
351  m_pcGroundSensorEquippedEntity->AddSensor(CVector2(0.042, 0.065),
353  m_pcEmbodiedEntity->GetOriginAnchor());
354  m_pcGroundSensorEquippedEntity->AddSensor(CVector2(0.0, 0.08),
356  m_pcEmbodiedEntity->GetOriginAnchor());
357  m_pcGroundSensorEquippedEntity->AddSensor(CVector2(-0.042, 0.065),
359  m_pcEmbodiedEntity->GetOriginAnchor());
360  m_pcGroundSensorEquippedEntity->AddSensor(CVector2(-0.08, 0.0),
362  m_pcEmbodiedEntity->GetOriginAnchor());
363  m_pcGroundSensorEquippedEntity->AddSensor(CVector2(-0.042, -0.065),
365  m_pcEmbodiedEntity->GetOriginAnchor());
366  m_pcGroundSensorEquippedEntity->AddSensor(CVector2(0.0, -0.08),
368  m_pcEmbodiedEntity->GetOriginAnchor());
369  m_pcGroundSensorEquippedEntity->AddSensor(CVector2(0.042, -0.065),
371  m_pcEmbodiedEntity->GetOriginAnchor());
372  /* Distance scanner */
373  m_pcDistanceScannerEquippedEntity =
374  new CFootBotDistanceScannerEquippedEntity(this, "distance_scanner_0");
375  AddComponent(*m_pcDistanceScannerEquippedEntity);
376  /* RAB equipped entity */
377  Real fRange = 3.0f;
378  GetNodeAttributeOrDefault(t_tree, "rab_range", fRange, fRange);
379  UInt32 unDataSize = 10;
380  GetNodeAttributeOrDefault(t_tree, "rab_data_size", unDataSize, unDataSize);
381  m_pcRABEquippedEntity =
382  new CRABEquippedEntity(this,
383  "rab_0",
384  unDataSize,
385  fRange,
386  m_pcEmbodiedEntity->GetOriginAnchor(),
387  *m_pcEmbodiedEntity,
388  CVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, RAB_ELEVATION));
389  AddComponent(*m_pcRABEquippedEntity);
390  /* Omnidirectional camera equipped entity */
391  CDegrees cAperture(70.0f);
392  GetNodeAttributeOrDefault(t_tree, "omnidirectional_camera_aperture", cAperture, cAperture);
393  m_pcOmnidirectionalCameraEquippedEntity =
395  "omnidirectional_camera_0",
396  ToRadians(cAperture),
397  CVector3(0.0f,
398  0.0f,
400  AddComponent(*m_pcOmnidirectionalCameraEquippedEntity);
401  /* Perspective camera equipped entity */
402  bool bPerspCamFront = true;
403  GetNodeAttributeOrDefault(t_tree, "perspective_camera_front", bPerspCamFront, bPerspCamFront);
404  Real fPerspCamFocalLength = 0.035;
405  GetNodeAttributeOrDefault(t_tree, "perspective_camera_focal_length", fPerspCamFocalLength, fPerspCamFocalLength);
406  Real fPerspCamRange = 2.0;
407  GetNodeAttributeOrDefault(t_tree, "perspective_camera_range", fPerspCamRange, fPerspCamRange);
408  cAperture.SetValue(30.0f);
409  GetNodeAttributeOrDefault(t_tree, "perspective_camera_aperture", cAperture, cAperture);
410  CQuaternion cPerspCamOrient(bPerspCamFront ? CRadians::ZERO : -CRadians::PI_OVER_TWO,
411  CVector3::Y);
412  SAnchor& cPerspCamAnchor = m_pcEmbodiedEntity->AddAnchor("perspective_camera",
414  cPerspCamOrient);
415  m_pcPerspectiveCameraEquippedEntity =
417  "perspective_camera_0",
418  ToRadians(cAperture),
419  fPerspCamFocalLength,
420  fPerspCamRange,
421  640, 480,
422  cPerspCamAnchor);
423  AddComponent(*m_pcPerspectiveCameraEquippedEntity);
424  /* Turret equipped entity */
425  m_pcTurretEntity = new CFootBotTurretEntity(this, "turret_0", cTurretAnchor);
426  AddComponent(*m_pcTurretEntity);
427  /* WiFi equipped entity */
428  m_pcWiFiEquippedEntity = new CWiFiEquippedEntity(this, "wifi_0");
429  AddComponent(*m_pcWiFiEquippedEntity);
430  /* Battery equipped entity */
431  m_pcBatteryEquippedEntity = new CBatteryEquippedEntity(this, "battery_0");
432  if(NodeExists(t_tree, "battery"))
433  m_pcBatteryEquippedEntity->Init(GetNode(t_tree, "battery"));
434  AddComponent(*m_pcBatteryEquippedEntity);
435  /* Controllable entity
436  It must be the last one, for actuators/sensors to link to composing entities correctly */
437  m_pcControllableEntity = new CControllableEntity(this);
438  AddComponent(*m_pcControllableEntity);
439  m_pcControllableEntity->Init(GetNode(t_tree, "controller"));
440  /* Update components */
442  }
443  catch(CARGoSException& ex) {
444  THROW_ARGOSEXCEPTION_NESTED("Failed to initialize entity \"" << GetId() << "\".", ex);
445  }
446  }
448  /****************************************/
449  /****************************************/
452  /* Reset all components */
454  /* Update components */
456  }
458  /****************************************/
459  /****************************************/
461 #define UPDATE(COMPONENT) if(COMPONENT->IsEnabled()) COMPONENT->Update();
464  /* Update only the components that might change */
465  UPDATE(m_pcDistanceScannerEquippedEntity);
466  UPDATE(m_pcTurretEntity);
467  UPDATE(m_pcGripperEquippedEntity);
468  UPDATE(m_pcRABEquippedEntity);
469  UPDATE(m_pcLEDEquippedEntity);
470  UPDATE(m_pcBatteryEquippedEntity);
471  }
473  /****************************************/
474  /****************************************/
477  "foot-bot",
478  "Carlo Pinciroli [ilpincy@gmail.com]",
479  "1.0",
480  "The foot-bot robot, developed in the Swarmanoid project.",
481  "The foot-bot is a wheeled robot developed in the Swarmanoid Project. It is a\n"
482  "modular robot with a rich set of sensors and actuators. For more information,\n"
483  "refer to the dedicated web page\n"
484  "(http://www.swarmanoid.org/swarmanoid_hardware.php).\n\n"
486  " <arena ...>\n"
487  " ...\n"
488  " <foot-bot id=\"fb0\">\n"
489  " <body position=\"0.4,2.3,0.25\" orientation=\"45,0,0\" />\n"
490  " <controller config=\"mycntrl\" />\n"
491  " </foot-bot>\n"
492  " ...\n"
493  " </arena>\n\n"
494  "The 'id' attribute is necessary and must be unique among the entities. If two\n"
495  "entities share the same id, initialization aborts.\n"
496  "The 'body/position' attribute specifies the position of the bottom point of the\n"
497  "foot-bot in the arena. When the robot is untranslated and unrotated, the\n"
498  "bottom point is in the origin and it is defined as the middle point between\n"
499  "the two wheels on the XY plane and the lowest point of the robot on the Z\n"
500  "axis, that is the point where the wheels touch the floor. The attribute values\n"
501  "are in the X,Y,Z order.\n"
502  "The 'body/orientation' attribute specifies the orientation of the foot-bot. All\n"
503  "rotations are performed with respect to the bottom point. The order of the\n"
504  "angles is Z,Y,X, which means that the first number corresponds to the rotation\n"
505  "around the Z axis, the second around Y and the last around X. This reflects\n"
506  "the internal convention used in ARGoS, in which rotations are performed in\n"
507  "that order. Angles are expressed in degrees. When the robot is unrotated, it\n"
508  "is oriented along the X axis.\n"
509  "The 'controller/config' attribute is used to assign a controller to the\n"
510  "foot-bot. The value of the attribute must be set to the id of a previously\n"
511  "defined controller. Controllers are defined in the <controllers> XML subtree.\n\n"
513  "You can set the emission range of the range-and-bearing system. By default, a\n"
514  "message sent by a foot-bot can be received up to 3m. By using the 'rab_range'\n"
515  "attribute, you can change it to, i.e., 4m as follows:\n\n"
516  " <arena ...>\n"
517  " ...\n"
518  " <foot-bot id=\"fb0\" rab_range=\"4\">\n"
519  " <body position=\"0.4,2.3,0.25\" orientation=\"45,0,0\" />\n"
520  " <controller config=\"mycntrl\" />\n"
521  " </foot-bot>\n"
522  " ...\n"
523  " </arena>\n\n"
524  "You can also set the data sent at each time step through the range-and-bearing\n"
525  "system. By default, a message sent by a foot-bot is 10 bytes long. By using the\n"
526  "'rab_data_size' attribute, you can change it to, i.e., 20 bytes as follows:\n\n"
527  " <arena ...>\n"
528  " ...\n"
529  " <foot-bot id=\"fb0\" rab_data_size=\"20\">\n"
530  " <body position=\"0.4,2.3,0.25\" orientation=\"45,0,0\" />\n"
531  " <controller config=\"mycntrl\" />\n"
532  " </foot-bot>\n"
533  " ...\n"
534  " </arena>\n\n"
535  "You can also configure the battery of the robot. By default, the battery never\n"
536  "depletes. You can choose among several battery discharge models, such as\n"
537  "- time: the battery depletes by a fixed amount at each time step\n"
538  "- motion: the battery depletes according to how the robot moves\n"
539  "- time_motion: a combination of the above models.\n"
540  "You can define your own models too. Follow the examples in the file\n"
541  "argos3/src/plugins/simulator/entities/battery_equipped_entity.cpp.\n\n"
542  " <arena ...>\n"
543  " ...\n"
544  " <foot-bot id=\"fb0\"\n"
545  " <body position=\"0.4,2.3,0.25\" orientation=\"45,0,0\" />\n"
546  " <controller config=\"mycntrl\" />\n"
547  " <battery model=\"time\" factor=\"1e-5\"/>\n"
548  " </foot-bot>\n"
549  " ...\n"
550  " </arena>\n\n"
551  " <arena ...>\n"
552  " ...\n"
553  " <foot-bot id=\"fb0\"\n"
554  " <body position=\"0.4,2.3,0.25\" orientation=\"45,0,0\" />\n"
555  " <controller config=\"mycntrl\" />\n"
556  " <battery model=\"motion\" pos_factor=\"1e-3\"\n"
557  " orient_factor=\"1e-3\"/>\n"
558  " </foot-bot>\n"
559  " ...\n"
560  " </arena>\n\n"
561  " <arena ...>\n"
562  " ...\n"
563  " <foot-bot id=\"fb0\"\n"
564  " <body position=\"0.4,2.3,0.25\" orientation=\"45,0,0\" />\n"
565  " <controller config=\"mycntrl\" />\n"
566  " <battery model=\"time_motion\" time_factor=\"1e-5\"\n"
567  " pos_factor=\"1e-3\"\n"
568  " orient_factor=\"1e-3\"/>\n"
569  " </foot-bot>\n"
570  " ...\n"
571  " </arena>\n\n"
572  "You can also change the aperture of the omnidirectional camera. The aperture is\n"
573  "set to 70 degrees by default. The tip of the omnidirectional camera is placed on\n"
574  "top of the robot (h=0.289), and with an aperture of 70 degrees the range on the\n"
575  "ground is r=h*tan(aperture)=0.289*tan(70)=0.794m. To change the aperture to 80\n"
576  "degrees, use the 'omnidirectional_camera_aperture' as follows:\n\n"
577  " <arena ...>\n"
578  " ...\n"
579  " <foot-bot id=\"fb0\" omnidirectional_camera_aperture=\"80\">\n"
580  " <body position=\"0.4,2.3,0.25\" orientation=\"45,0,0\" />\n"
581  " <controller config=\"mycntrl\" />\n"
582  " </foot-bot>\n"
583  " ...\n"
584  " </arena>\n\n"
585  "Finally, you can change the parameters of the perspective camera. You can set\n"
586  "its direction, aperture, focal length, and range with the attributes\n"
587  "'perspective_camera_front', 'perspective_camera_aperture',\n"
588  "'perspective_camera_focal_length', and 'perspective_camera_range', respectively.\n"
589  "The default values are: 'true' for front direction, 30 degrees for aperture,\n"
590  "0.035 for focal length, and 2 meters for range. When the direction is set to\n"
591  "'false', the camera looks up. This can be useful to see the eye-bot LEDs. Check\n"
592  "the following example:\n\n"
593  " <arena ...>\n"
594  " ...\n"
595  " <foot-bot id=\"fb0\"\n"
596  " perspective_camera_front=\"false\"\n"
597  " perspective_camera_aperture=\"45\"\n"
598  " perspective_camera_focal_length=\"0.07\"\n"
599  " perspective_camera_range=\"10\">\n"
600  " <body position=\"0.4,2.3,0.25\" orientation=\"45,0,0\" />\n"
601  " <controller config=\"mycntrl\" />\n"
602  " </foot-bot>\n"
603  " ...\n"
604  " </arena>\n\n"
605  ,
606  "Under development"
607  );
609  /****************************************/
610  /****************************************/
614  /****************************************/
615  /****************************************/
617 }
An entity that contains a pointer to the user-defined controller.
virtual void Reset()
Resets the state of the entity to whatever it was after Init() or the standalone constructor was call...
A 3D vector class.
Definition: vector3.h:29
void SetValue(Real f_value)
Sets the value in degrees.
Definition: angles.h:338
void GetNodeAttributeOrDefault(TConfigurationNode &t_node, const std::string &str_attribute, T &t_buffer, const T &t_default)
Returns the value of a node's attribute, or the passed default value.
static const CVector3 X
The x axis.
Definition: vector3.h:34
float Real
Collects all ARGoS code.
Definition: datatypes.h:39
void AddLED(const CVector3 &c_offset, SAnchor &s_anchor, const CColor &c_color=CColor::BLACK)
Adds an LED to this entity.
void AddLEDRing(const CVector3 &c_center, Real f_radius, const CRadians &c_start_angle, UInt32 un_num_leds, SAnchor &s_anchor, const CColor &c_color=CColor::BLACK)
Adds a ring of LEDs to this entity.
void SetWheel(UInt32 un_index, const CVector3 &c_position, Real f_radius)
TConfigurationNode & GetNode(TConfigurationNode &t_node, const std::string &str_tag)
Given a tree root node, returns the first of its child nodes with the wanted name.
virtual void Init(TConfigurationNode &t_tree)
Initializes the state of the entity from the XML configuration tree.
ticpp::Element TConfigurationNode
The ARGoS configuration XML node.
REGISTER_ENTITY(CFloorEntity,"floor","Carlo Pinciroli [ilpincy@gmail.com]","1.0","It contains the properties of the arena floor.","The floor entity contains the properties of the arena floor. In the current\n""implementation, it contains only the color of the floor. The floor color is\n""detected by the robots' ground sensors.\n\n""REQUIRED XML CONFIGURATION\n\n"" <arena ...>\n"" ...\n"" <floor id=\"floor\"\n"" source=\"SOURCE\" />\n"" ...\n"" </arena>\n\n""The 'id' attribute is necessary and must be unique among the entities. If two\n""entities share the same id, initialization aborts.\n""The 'source' attribute specifies where to get the color of the floor from. Its\n""value, here denoted as SOURCE, can assume the following values:\n\n"" image The color is calculated from the passed image file\n"" loop_functions The color is calculated calling the loop functions\n\n""When 'source' is set to 'image', as showed in the following example, you have\n""to specify the image path in the additional attribute 'path':\n\n"" <arena ...>\n"" ...\n"" <floor id=\"floor\"\n"" source=\"image\"\n"" path=\"/path/to/imagefile.ext\" />\n"" ...\n"" </arena>\n\n""Many image formats are available, such as PNG, JPG, BMP, GIF and many more.\n""Refer to the FreeImage webpage for a complete list of supported image formats\n""(http://freeimage.sourceforge.net/features.html).\n\n""When 'source' is set to 'loop_functions', as showed in the following example,\n""an image is implicitly created to be used as texture for graphical\n""visualizations. The algorithm that creates the texture needs to convert from\n""meters (in the arena) to pixels (of the texture). You control how many pixels\n""per meter are used with the attribute 'pixels_per_meter'. Clearly, the higher\n""value, the higher the quality, but also the slower the algorithm and the bigger\n""the texture. The algorithm is called only once at init time, so the fact that\n""it is slow is not so important. However, the image size is limited by OpenGL.\n""Every implementation has its own limit, and you should check yours if any\n""texture-related problem arises. Now for the example:\n\n"" <arena ...>\n"" ...\n"" <floor id=\"floor\"\n"" source=\"loop_functions\"\n"" pixels_per_meter=\"100\" />\n"" ...\n"" </arena>\n\n""OPTIONAL XML CONFIGURATION\n\n""None for the time being.\n","Usable")
This entity is a link to a body in the physics engine.
#define THROW_ARGOSEXCEPTION_NESTED(message, nested)
This macro throws an ARGoS exception with the passed message and nesting the passed exception...
It defines the basic type CDegrees, used to store an angle value in degrees.
Definition: angles.h:288
It defines the basic type CRadians, used to store an angle value in radians.
Definition: angles.h:42
virtual void Init(TConfigurationNode &t_tree)
Initializes the state of the entity from the XML configuration tree.
unsigned int UInt32
32-bit unsigned integer.
Definition: datatypes.h:97
void SetController(const std::string &str_controller_id)
Creates and assigns a controller with the given id.
A container of CLEDEntity.
Basic class for an entity that contains other entities.
A 2D vector class.
Definition: vector2.h:25
An anchor related to the body of an entity.
Definition: physics_model.h:38
void AddComponent(CEntity &c_component)
Adds a component to this composable entity.
bool NodeExists(TConfigurationNode &t_node, const std::string &str_tag)
Given a tree root node, returns true if one of its child nodes has the wanted name.
The exception that wraps all errors in ARGoS.
static const CRadians ZERO
Set to zero radians.
Definition: angles.h:79
virtual void UpdateComponents()
Calls the Update() method on all the components.
virtual void Init(TConfigurationNode &t_tree)
Initializes the state of the entity from the XML configuration tree.
Definition: entity.cpp:40
static const CVector3 Y
The y axis.
Definition: vector3.h:37
void AddSensor(const CVector2 &c_offset, ESensorType e_type, SAnchor &s_anchor)
virtual void Init(TConfigurationNode &t_tree)
Initializes the state of the entity from the XML configuration tree.
void AddSensorRing(const CVector3 &c_center, Real f_radius, const CRadians &c_start_angle, Real f_range, UInt32 un_num_sensors, SAnchor &s_anchor)
virtual void Init(TConfigurationNode &t_tree)
Initializes the state of the entity from the XML configuration tree.
const std::string & GetId() const
Returns the id of this entity.
Definition: entity.h:157
CRadians ToRadians(const CDegrees &c_degrees)
Converts CDegrees to CRadians.
Definition: angles.h:498
SAnchor & AddAnchor(const std::string &str_id, const CVector3 &c_rel_position=CVector3(), const CQuaternion &c_rel_orientation=CQuaternion())
Adds an anchor to the embodied entity.
#define ARGOS_PI
To be used when initializing static variables.
Definition: angles.h:32
The namespace containing all the ARGoS related code.
Definition: ci_actuator.h:12
void AddSensorRing(const CVector3 &c_center, Real f_radius, const CRadians &c_start_angle, Real f_range, UInt32 un_num_sensors, SAnchor &s_anchor)
static const CRadians PI_OVER_TWO
Set to PI / 2.
Definition: angles.h:59
virtual void Reset()
Resets the state of the entity to whatever it was after Init() or the standalone constructor was call...
An entity that stores the state of a robot gripper.
const SAnchor & GetOriginAnchor() const
Returns a const reference to the origin anchor associated to this entity.