Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 Cargos::CAny::CAbstractReferenceAbstract reference to object
 Cargos::CBaseConfigurableResourceThis class is the base of all XML-configurable ARGoS interface
 Cargos::CByteArrayByte array utility class
 Cargos::CRandom::CCategoryThe RNG category
 Cargos::CGrid< ENTITY >::CCellOperation
 Cargos::CColorThe basic color type
 Cargos::CCommandLineArgParserEasy-to-use command line argument parser
 Cargos::CDegreesIt defines the basic type CDegrees, used to store an angle value in degrees
 Cargos::CDynamicLoadingAllows users to dynamically load shared libraries
 Cargos::CEntityOperation< LABEL, PLUGIN, RETURN_TYPE >The basic operation to be stored in the vtable
 Cargos::CEntityOperation< ACTION, CDynamics2DEngine, SOperationOutcome >
 Cargos::CEntityOperation< ACTION, CDynamics3DEngine, SOperationOutcome >
 Cargos::CEntityOperation< ACTION, CPointMass3DEngine, SOperationOutcome >
 Cargos::CEntityOperation< ACTION, CSpace, void >
 Cargos::CEntityOperation< CQTOpenGLOperationDrawNormal, CQTOpenGLWidget, void >
 Cargos::CEntityOperation< CQTOpenGLOperationDrawSelected, CQTOpenGLWidget, void >
 Cargos::CFactory< TYPE >Basic factory template
 Cargos::CQTOpenGLUserFunctions::CFunctionHolderThe base function holder
 Cargos::CMatrix< ROWS, COLS >
 Cargos::CMatrix< DIM, DIM >
 Cargos::CMementoThe interface inherited by all classes whose state must be saved and restored
 Cargos::CPositionalIndex< ENTITY >::COperationThe operation to perform on each entity found in range
 Cargos::CRadiansIt defines the basic type CRadians, used to store an angle value in radians
 Cargos::CRandomThe ARGoS random number generator
 Cargos::CRange< T >
 Cargos::CRange< argos::CDegrees >
 Cargos::CRange< argos::CRadians >
 Cargos::CRange< argos::CVector3 >
 Cargos::CRange< Real >
 Cargos::CRange< SInt32 >
 Cargos::CRange< UInt32 >
 Cargos::CRCLowPassFilterA simple infinite-impulse response filter for real-valued signals
 Cargos::CRandom::CRNGThe RNG
 Cargos::CSet< T, C >Defines a very simple double-linked list that stores unique elements
 Cargos::CSet< argos::CDirectionalLEDEntity *, argos::SEntityComparator >
 Cargos::CSet< argos::CEmbodiedEntity *, argos::SEntityComparator >
 Cargos::CSet< argos::CLEDEntity *, argos::SEntityComparator >
 Cargos::CSet< argos::CRABEquippedEntity *, argos::SEntityComparator >
 Cargos::CSet< argos::CRadioEntity *, argos::SEntityComparator >
 Cargos::CSet< argos::CTagEntity *, argos::SEntityComparator >
 Cargos::CSet< ENTITY * >
 Cargos::CSet< ENTITY *, argos::SEntityComparator >
 Cargos::CSetIterator< CONTAINED_TYPE, REFERENCED_TYPE >The CSet iterator
 Cargos::CSetIterator< T, const T >
 Cargos::CSimulatedActuatorThe basic interface for a simulated actuator
 Cargos::CSimulatedSensorThe basic interface for a simulated sensor
 Cargos::CSimulatorThe core class of ARGOS
 Cargos::CSpaceHashUpdater< ENTITY >Defines the basic cell updater of the space hash
 Cargos::CSpaceHashUpdater< CDirectionalLEDEntity >
 Cargos::CSpaceHashUpdater< CLEDEntity >
 Cargos::CSpaceHashUpdater< CRABEquippedEntity >
 Cargos::CSpaceHashUpdater< CRadioEntity >
 Cargos::CSpaceHashUpdater< CTagEntity >
 Cargos::CStatsCalculates the mean, variance, and std deviation of a real-valued signal
 Cargos::CVector2A 2D vector class
 Cargos::CVector3A 3D vector class
 Cargos::CVTable< CONTEXT, BASE, FUNCTION >The actual vtable
 Cargos::CVTable< argos::CQTOpenGLUserFunctions, argos::CEntity, TThunk >
 Cargos::EnableVTableFor< BASE >Helper to make a class hierarchy vtable-enabled
 Cargos::EnableVTableFor< CEntity >
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 Cstd::hash< argos::CTCPSocket::EEvent >
 Cargos::SAnchorAn anchor related to the body of an entity
 Cargos::CCI_ColoredBlobOmnidirectionalCameraSensor::SBlobAn SBlob represents a generic colored 2D segment in the image
 Cargos::CCI_ColoredBlobPerspectiveCameraSensor::SBlobAn SBlob represents a generic colored 2D segment in the image
 Cargos::CPhysicsEngine::SBoundaryFaceA boundary face for entity transfer among physics engines
 Cargos::CSpaceHashNative< Element, Updater >::SBucket::SBucketDataAn item of data held by each bucket
 Cargos::CGrid< ENTITY >::SCell
 Cargos::SEntityComparatorA generic entity comparator, used in containers that must be ordered deterministically
 Cargos::CQTOpenGLWidget::SFrameGrabDataData regarding frame grabbing
 Cargos::SLogColorStream modifier to set attribute and color of the subsequent text
 Cargos::SOperationOutcomeType to use as return value for operation outcome
 Cargos::CCI_EyeBotLightSensor::SReadingThe DTO of the light sensor
 Cargos::CCI_FootBotDistanceScannerSensor::SReadingThe DTO of the distance scanner, it contains the measured distance and its angle
 Cargos::CCI_FootBotEncoderSensor::SReadingThe DTO of the encoder It returns the distance covered by the wheels in the last timestep In addition it returns the value of the interaxis distance
 Cargos::CCI_FootBotLightSensor::SReadingThe DTO of the light sensor
 Cargos::CCI_ColoredBlobOmnidirectionalCameraSensor::SReadingsIt represents the readings collected through the camera at a specific time step
 Cargos::CCI_ColoredBlobPerspectiveCameraSensor::SReadingsIt represents the readings collected through the camera at a specific time step
 Cargos::CQTOpenGLWidget::SSelectionInfoData arelated to robot selection
 Cargos::SSetElement< T >The data container of CSet
 Cargos::SSetElement< argos::CDirectionalLEDEntity * >
 Cargos::SSetElement< argos::CEmbodiedEntity * >
 Cargos::SSetElement< argos::CLEDEntity * >
 Cargos::SSetElement< argos::CRABEquippedEntity * >
 Cargos::SSetElement< argos::CRadioEntity * >
 Cargos::SSetElement< argos::CTagEntity * >
 Cargos::SSetElement< CONTAINED_TYPE >
 Cargos::SSetElement< ENTITY * >
 Cargos::STagCounter< BASE >Holds the value of the last used tag
 Cargos::STagHolder< DERIVED, BASE >Holds the value of the tag associated to DERIVED
 Cargos::CFactory< TYPE >::STypeInfoA struct containing the information about the registered types
 Cargos::CPhysicsEngine::SVolumeThe volume boundaries